Why Comprehensive Sleep Solutions

Helping Your Patients Get a Good Night's Rest
CSS provides patients with a custom-fit, FDA-approved Mandibular Advancement Device that advances the patient’s lower jaw slightly forward, keeping their airway open, while they sleep. This treatment can reduce or eliminate snoring and sleep apnea, resulting in the patient experiencing better sleep quality and improved health.

How to Refer a Patient
If you are interested in referring a patient, follow these easy steps.
Fax Us Your Referral Request at 855-475-5638
- You will need to submit a Completed Order Form.
- We will also need your patient’s sleep study results and chart notes.
Call Our Sleep Experts at 855-222-1161
- Our sleep specialists are here to assist you with any of your questions.
- We are available 8:30 – 5:00 PM, MST Monday-Friday.
- Feel free to contact us any time.

Why CSS?
CSS provides patients across the country with outstanding care in oral appliance therapy. Our oral appliance is approved by the FDA and PDAC and covered by most insurance providers for qualified individuals, including Medicare. All manufactured devices are reviewed and approved by our credentialed sleep dentist, and patients receive training on the product.